Purple Haze
Beautiful As...
Western Shore
If This is a Mistake...
Song for Forgetting

Everything I Need (Single)
Scratch the surface if you’re still afraid to dive
Don’t be nervous, we’re two wrongs that make a right
Close the curtains, tell the world to stay outside
Be uncertain, let this all stay undefined
I hung a thousand pictures on the wall because I knew I’d need
A thousand words a thousand times to say you what you mean to me
‘Cause we’ve found a way to Eden but it’s the long way around
Found a hope that floated then we ran it aground
So come down, I’m done chasing angels with my head in the clouds
‘Cause you’re not that perfect but you’re coming around
While I’m breaking you down
You can’t be everything I need
I’m your danger, I’m what makes you come alive
I’m your chaser when your chest is filled with fire
The exception to rules you swore were ironclad
I’m the best bad influence that you’ve ever had
Never the charming caricature, I’m the sand that’s still between your toes
When you left your high heels in the trunk and got ocean on your Sunday clothes
Girl, I promise you when it’s said and done
That there is nothing you could do to change this love
Robe and slippers, sipping coffee from behind
Picket fences, maybe somewhere down the line
But tonight there’s a tree we haven’t climbed
A back road we need to drive and a devil in your eyes
You can’t be everything I need
But right now that’s all I want to believe

I need this, your secret, the speechless energy
So I can resist the pretense and creep into memories
And feel the weakness, defenseless, exempted from
Sentinel To build a stronghold by tearing down the walls
I will trace curves on paper and create words that set apart
So my savior’s the eraser that you are
I dream of a sanctum with mirrors removed
So I can only see myself, reflected in you
And echo like sunlight in night
I had promised myself that the world would fall apart
Instead the veil just fell away
My pride’s in remission, the king is dethroned
As these smaller kingdoms wave every white flag they own
I dream of a sanctum with mirrors removed
So I can only see myself reflected in you
And echo like sunlight in night
You want me to fight for you? If that means fighting with myself, then I’ve risked my life for you You wanna be forgiven, but you don’t wanna know your crimes, just the bliss of innocence – I don’t know what you expect from me I’m not a damn thing like I was Haven’t I hurt you enough to convince you, I’ve hurt you just because? – You wanna trust me, except when I tell you that you can’t ‘Cause I’m nothing lovely Beneath this skin, I wanna be like you Want you to see yourself in me, and live in my nightmare – Smiles and beauty never fade in photographs They hide in sheets while bodies try the same Time becomes the fragrance of the frozen past And haunts the hearts that live outside of frames – Would you mind if I break you, dethrone and disgrace you, in the name of Love? You’re my scarlet forgiveness, my merciful mistress, unjaded and stung – Would you mind if I kill you, betray and reveal you, in the name of Love? You’re my unholy scripture, enabler, and victim, of all that I’ve done – You wanna be enticing, to an endless appetite Darling, It’s still lying.. if you lie to yourself – Let me ask you a question, let your “yes” be “yes” and your silence the same Is your back to the darkness, the same way your god’s is, in heavenly shame? Do you pray to disarm the mirror, and pose like the picture, of all that you claim? If you’re as sick as your secrets, are you barely breathing, and cold in your veins? – You want me to fight for you? Who’s your worst enemy?

Missing You Now
Why this unsettling peace? Did tears make up our chemistry? I don’t want you to be ok without me The truth is I wanted to run But I’m digressing back into love ‘Cause you weren’t supposed to get over me – Shades of honesty Staged apologies Our peace offerings that never could stop the war Wasted energy On our favorite enemies The fate of everything rests in these unsaid words – I’ve waited my life for this night And now with a battle to fight I’m pushing away, trying to lay down my sword I’m biting my tongue as we come undone Kissing your lips instead of listening And killing myself trying to even the score – Shades of honesty Staged apologies Our peace offerings that never could stop the war Wasted energy On our favorite enemies The fate of everything rests in these unsaid words – Truth is I’m missing you now Truth be told I’m missing you – Shades of honesty Staged apologies Our peace offerings – Truth is I’m missing you now Truth be told I’m missing you
Recently Strong
I’ve been trying to write myself into a better state of mind Stared so deep into the mirror that the stranger stepped aside And I saw the man that I wish I was not – See this bitter taste of happiness has turned my stomach sour There are smiles on every face around but I can’t find the power Or understand, is there something I’ve lost? – I want the excuse I want the nonchalance I want to fade into the ambiance I need to know that I’m not crazy to think it’s lazy to be the same each and every day – I’m just so recently strong – Tell me why’s it so easy for you to say it’s all ok? How much of your life have you spent trying to hide it all away? Some say it’s strength, I can never see denial that way And I hate to be the one to bring the smoke and mirrors down I can see the plank in both our eyes, not how to pry it out And I can’t pretend I can’t see the tears on your face – I miss the excuse I miss the innocence I miss the bruise that barely pierced the skin I miss the chance to choose to maybe be the same each and every day
White Flag
Lower the white flag, don’t give up on anything yet This love has a price tag and you should never hedge your bets If love is a circus take a leap and hold your breath This far from the surface, you can t even trust your net – This love has a cost and you know what is lost will be found – One way or another love is gonna find you yet But a bulletproof lover never seems to break a sweat You smile for the camera, fingers crossed behind your back But hearts are insurgents and suckers for the sneak attack – This love has a cost and you know what is lost will be found But you can’t win a thing ’til you lay your dignity down
Picket Fences
I took a poll of white picket fences And all the people with social senses Living lives of opportunity And those who spent a couple nights on old park benches Like a throne of their own invention ‘Cause God, it feels good to be so naive – While the pessimist’s love is passed around like an audible drug ‘Til it’s out and it’s never enough, just a mediocre masterpiece Though my lies are rarely honest just like an alcohol proof promise From a camera shy celebrity, I’ll be who I pretend to be – Even though they said I was a rebel I was saying amen with the Devil And grace wasn’t amazing enough for me And when I get to Heaven I will praise him Though I may live in the basement Because even in God’s wildest dreams he never thought he’d see me – I don’t need your classrooms full of white collar lectures Don’t need a house for the architecture I’m not the kind of boy your parents want you to see Though I could probably court you into a pretty picture With a clip on tie while I’m quoting scripture But that’s just about as much fun as it seems – So call me Mr. Never Enough I guess music was an audible drug But one I’d never want to give up though I’m a couple notes from the brink And I may be too gone to make a promise But at least this bottle makes me honest Though my imagination had one too many drinks and it doesn’t care just what I think – Even though they said I was a rebel I was saying amen with the Devil And grace wasn’t amazing enough for me And when I get to Heaven I will praise him Though I may live in the basement Because even in God’s wildest dreams he never thought he’d see me
Thrive under the sunshine Fade under the clouds And you know I can not get out – Fly over the border Straight into the sun And I’m sure I’m not the only one – These wings could never carry you But could you find the courage to Lift up your eyes You may never find the strength to move Or a plan that’s bulletproof Just list up your eyes and go – Life after the promise Rage into the sky Even though I’ll get home tonight – Just lift up your eyes and go
Words you spoke like feathers They hit me like they’re stones And shake the steely tethers Of the apathetic lens I hold – ‘Cause I’m a boy designed for immortal fights With a useless, uncertain prize – I know very well living in this symbiotic hell At least I’m not alone – Let me rest a spell ’til forgiveness Learns to mask itself as a means to atone – So take what you love about me and lay it to rest And bring me the words you find for what is left If we’re to die on this hill send me instead So I can be weak and die on my feet with a soldier’s death – The candle feeds the flame Glad to show its worth Does it know you can’t reclaim? That there is no second birth? – Yes, I know very well living in this symbiotic hell I could not build alone – Let me rest a spell in the endless fragments of myself That can hardly make a whole – So take what you love about me and lay it to rest And bring me the words you find for what is left If we’re to die on this hill send me instead So I can be weak and die on my feet with a soldier’s death
Faith isn’t only for the reverent Prodigals and saints will all be saved You’ll see my footprints on your way up to heaven Maybe wonder why they go the other way – Reaping what you sowed was once rewarding Now the downside of redemption is living life by grace If your sun forbore to shine tomorrow morning How close would you be to the flames? – God has saved the chosen, I will seek the lost When they’re locked away and broken we will be much better off My children do not fear We didn’t turn our backs when they nailed him to the cross – I’ve walked the dusty trail of Eden With the same two feet that stand before you now I’ve touched the halos of every heathen Learned the secrets of the saints and the horns beneath their crowns – The opiate of the masses is wearing weaker It was only a placebo from the start You agnostics and fellow believers These chains can heal your broken hearts – God has saved the chosen, I will seek the lost When they’re locked away and broken we will be much better off My children do not fear We didn’t turn our backs when they nailed him to the cross – Faith isn’t only for the reverent Prodigals and saints will all be shamed You’ll see my footprints on your way up to heaven Maybe wonder why they go the other way