BC Entry 6: Coming Home, Pt. 1

BC Entry 6: Coming Home, Pt. 1

It occurred to me recently that all but three of the contacts in my phone require an area code, and that a good deal of them require a country code as well. To get in contact with someone whose living room I was sitting in four months ago, I have to go through an app,...
BC Entry 6: Coming Home, Pt. 1

BC Entry 5: Chosen Sides

Disclaimer: Hundreds of thoughts went through my head as I watched the fallout, debate and outrage over the events in Ferguson.  I think, like many others, I needed time to process and see things more clearly.  I have no properly founded stance on who is guilty of...
BC Entry 6: Coming Home, Pt. 1

BC Entry 4: If I Were God…

There’s nothing as disarming as a mirror.  Especially when the reflection is a different race, faith and operating system…  Over time, my line of inquiry had steadily progressed from the casual “What do you think God is like?” to a less...
BC Entry 6: Coming Home, Pt. 1

BC Entry 3.2: Bad Christian, Good Man?

I was sitting in my living room chatting with a man who, while attending church, considers himself a muslim, but wouldn’t feel welcome in a mosque.  He spoke about Jesus and Muhammad with equal respect, and drew a parallel that put much of what I thought I...
BC Entry 6: Coming Home, Pt. 1

BC Entry 3.1: Good Christian, Bad Man?

“Walls” has been the anthem of my angsty years…you know, that brief period of frustration and unsatisfiable anger from age 15 to 27.  Emery’s music spoke to me in such a way that even today, should I have a music-trading session with a friend,...
BC Entry 6: Coming Home, Pt. 1

B.C. Entry 2: What If I’m Wrong?

A year and a half ago, having been living in Hiroshima, Japan for six months, I had a terribly hard time not laughing out loud when I realized the two mid-afternoon visitors to my apartment were in fact Jehovah’s Witnesses…  We had pieced together a...